ARIES (March 21-April 19)

Like whales and dogs, humans can learn and do amazing feats when led along by a series of rewards and treats. Perhaps unlike whales and dogs, there comes a point in which a human must feel a sense of purpose in this or else the exercise becomes a heartless charade. This week shows you questioning 


TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

They are a rare breed, but some people you know really are lone wolves — involvements feel stifling to them. What they give up in intimacy, they make up for in clarity of vision. Such a person will be integral to your experience and your plan for the future. On the whole, it’s best to welcome all styles and embrace all bents.


GEMINI (May 21-June 21)

If everything good or everything bad is accounted for by the votes gained, then morality is at the whim of public opinion. Is that really how it should be? You’ll consider your own morality and the rules that make sense to you. They may not match up perfectly to those of society because you’re a freethinker. 


CANCER (June 22-July 22)

When you don’t get a desired response, your first reaction is to try the same thing again to see if there’s been a mistake. If the second try doesn’t work, you change your approach, switch up the order and do entirely different things. Your puzzle-solving ways will work wonders this week. 


LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

Welcome to the early stages of a transformation. You’ll wrap your head around a new way of seeing yourself. There are ways to try this on before you go all-in. It’s definitely worth an investment. You can get hands-on experience with the equivalent of a “ride-along.” Also, dressing the part helps you taste the role.


VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Because your imagination is so wonderful, this event you’re imagining is getting built up mightily in your head. The more optimistic you are, the harder it will be for reality to measure up. And yet, against the odds, it will measure up. In the weeks ahead, you’ll look back and realize that these are the good old days.


LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23)

Each person processes the world differently. You appreciate the different modalities and do not expect to always be met with the same ones you give from. Energy level matters though. You’d like to be met with a similar energy as the one you’re delivering, even if it comes at you in an entirely different form.


SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21)

There are always things you can control and things you can’t control. Dwelling only on the former while taking the latter under advisement is the stance that will lead to your most successful moods and outcomes. Moments of clarity will be to a course of action most fortuitous indeed.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You want more than the life you see, although you are also open to seeing more in this life than you had before. It takes a change to make this happen — a new person on the scene, a switch-up in the routine, a priority shift. In the end, both wishes come to fruition. You’ll get more and see more, too.


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Without an attitude of appreciation, success is pointless. And with an attitude of appreciation, success, though certainly pleasant and mood-heightening, is unnecessary. You’ll win some and lose some this week, and it will feel about the same either way. An attitude of appreciation makes all of life a gift.


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Just because you’re not used to getting treats doesn’t mean you should turn them down. Work on accepting your own good luck this week. Make room in your life for the good things that happen. Train your brain to believe you can digest all the goodness dealt to you and still have room for more.


PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

When relationships are fresh, they are more memorable. You remember well the impact of those first moments and stages with someone. This week, you can make new memories, but not if you are doing the same things. It will be a pleasure to put in the effort to keep excitement alive.