4 replies on “Warning: Coyote Breeding Season has Started”

  1. Someone suggested carrying a bazooka type horn. The loud noise worked very well as deterrent and scared them away.

    1. A bazooka?? My semi automatic hole maker makes a loud noise and fits in my pocket, and is a real deterrent to all animals usually when I use it. Coyotes are legal to kill 24/7 most areas as they are pests. If you use an semi automatic hole maker, you need to have a ‘hunting ” permit, or license and check local laws.

  2. Thank you for this information. A month ago I got out of my vehicle and there was a animal that wasn’t a dog that appeared out of nowhere. I got my bags out of the car and proceeded into the garage and politely shooed it away. I live in the Inland Empire area and there are desert areas around me. Not sure where the animal went afterwards.

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