Supporting L.A. Unified’s college-readiness efforts, College Futures Foundation has awarded the District a $160,000 grant to implement an advanced, fourth-year math class this fall at nearly four dozen high schools, officials announced today.

The foundation’s grant supplements money from a state College Readiness Block Grant, and will enable the District to offer Transition to College Mathematics and Statistics (TCMS) to more than 3,000 students. The course, which was co-developed with math faculty at California State University Northridge (CSUN) and piloted at seven schools in 2016-17, is designed to reduce the need for remediation and prepare college-bound graduates for the rigors of post-secondary math.

“TCMS is aligned with L.A. Unified’s ‘Destination Graduation’ goal to ensure that all students graduate and experience college and career success,” said Dr. Frances Gipson, the District’s chief academic officer. “Thanks to the generosity of College Futures Foundation and the partnership with CSUN, we will be able to fully implement this course and offer it at all of the schools that requested it.”

“Our partnership with CSUN, Project Grad LA, and College Futures Foundation will ensure more L.A. Unified graduates are ready to succeed when they enter college,” he said.